Invisalign is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments, giving you results comparable to braces discreetly and without any dietary restrictions. Even if you think that traditional braces aren’t an option for you, this treatment can give you’re the opportunity to get the smile you’ve always looked for.
However, many people who would benefit from this treatment also grind their teeth at night. If you’re looking into Invisalign treatment, you may wonder if bruxism, or grinding your teeth, could cause problems. Here’s what you ought to know.
Will Bruxism Prevent You from Getting Invisalign?
When you get your aligners, you’ll have to wear them as much as possible—anywhere from 20-22 hours a day, including while you sleep. That said, bruxism shouldn’t inherently prevent you from getting Invisalign.
However, if you have a night guard or splint to deal with your bruxism, you won’t be able to wear that while you have your aligners in.
Can Bruxism Damage Your Aligner?
Invisalign aligners are made of an incredibly durable plastic, meaning that they can stand up to a lot of wear and tear. If anything, you might find that your aligner can protect your teeth from the effects of bruxism.
Grinding your teeth can potentially wear down your aligners prematurely, but given that you’ll only ever wear any given aligner for a few weeks at most, that isn’t that big of an issue. Even if you absolutely shred your tray, most providers offer free replacements, so you won’t have to pay anything extra as a result of your bruxism habit.
How to Deal with Bruxism
That said, dealing with your bruxism problem before you begin Invisalign treatment isn’t a bad idea. Your dentist could potentially give you a night splint that can correct bruxism, but as was mentioned before, that could delay your ability to get Invisalign treatment.
You might want to address some of the most common causes of bruxism and see if your situation improves. Smoking and caffeine use, for example, have been found to contribute to bruxism, as has excess stress. Address these risk factors and you should be able to go into orthodontic treatment as prepared as possible.
About the Author
Dr. Eduart Shkurti is a dentist who prides himself on being able to offer cutting edge dental care in a calming, luxurious environment. When you walk into our office, you’ll notice right away how comfortable our it is. Dr. Shkurti first began practicing dentistry in Albania for nine years before immigrating to the U.S. He then received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Southern California, and has been practicing here ever since.
If you have any questions about how bruxism can affect your Invisalign treatment, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (718) 806-1662.