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(718) 806-1662 31-25 31st St, Astoria, NY 11106
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How Long Will Dental Implants Last?

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 2:45 am
Dental implants in Astoria

If you’re one of the 178 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth, the good news is that you have several different options to restore your smile. Having gaps in your smile is not something that most people find cosmetically pleasing, and it can make it difficult to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. When choosing a tooth replacement option, there are a lot of things that you should consider, including how long it will last. Continue reading to learn more about the longevity of dental implants in Astoria and how you can increase their lifespan.


Can You Get Invisalign After Braces?

October 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 2:11 am
Woman with Invisalign

With modern dental technology comes more options when straightening your teeth. Invisalign has all sorts of advantages over traditional metal braces and has become more popular in the past few years. It is great for patients who want to address their alignment issues but don’t want to go through who knows how long with a mouth full of metal. Continue reading to learn more about how Invisalign in Astoria works, its advantages, and how it can affect patients who have already had braces in the past.


How to Survive Cold and Flu Season with Invisalign

September 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 3:38 pm
woman blowing her nose during cold and flu season in Astoria

As the days gradually get shorter and the air outside becomes chillier, many of us prepare for the inevitable cold and flu season by stocking up on hand sanitizer, tissues, and vitamin C-rich items. For patients with Invisalign, though, this time of year presents a unique challenge. Removing your aligners creates more opportunities for harmful bacteria to attach to them and enter your mouth, increasing your risk of getting sick. While you can’t completely avoid all germs, there are some precautions you can take to minimize your risk of getting sick when wearing Invisalign in Astoria.


3 Dangers Of Getting Mail-In Clear Aligners

August 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 7:39 pm
Woman covering her smile with her hands

Did you know that 48% of people have untagged themselves from a photo on Facebook due to insecurities stemming from their teeth? Decades prior, teeth-straightening solutions required metal brackets and pesky wires. Fortunately, patients today can opt for virtually undetectable treatment options like Invisalign in Astoria. However, mail-in clear aligner companies are making money by marketing themselves as a safe, reliable treatment option (without sharing the hundreds of lawsuits that say otherwise). To protect your smile and overall oral health, read on for the three dangers of using these products. 


Why Is My Dentist Asking Me to Rinse Before My Appointment?

August 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 6:38 pm
Woman pouring mouthwash into bottle cap

Now that the transition out of quarantine and into our “new normal” is underway, one important thing is on everyone’s mind: infection control. Therefore, your dental team has re-designed their daily operations to ensure you can get the oral care you need in a safe environment. While many of the new protocols are a routine part of your life, other practices, like asking you to rinse before your appointment, may take you off guard. After all, can mouthwash really protect you from COVID-19? A dentist in Astoria is here to share the answer!


How Your Dental Team Keeps Their Hands Clean in COVID-19

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 4:33 pm
Astoria dentist thoroughly washes hands in COVID-19

Great infection control protocols and excellent hand hygiene have always been a key part of dentistry, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. These strict sanitation standards protect you from illnesses like the common cold and the flu during your routine dental visits. Now, even more safety measures have been put in place to keep you safe from the coronavirus. Here’s how your Astoria dentist and their team keep their hands clean during your appointment in COVID-19.


7 Ways Your Dental Team Prepares for Your Visit in COVID-19

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 3:15 pm
Astoria dentist prepares for appointment in COVID-19 by donning new PPE

Your Astoria dentist and their team have always carefully followed strict sanitation guidelines when getting ready for your appointment. They utilize a variety of infection control protocols to protect you from illnesses like the common cold and the flu during your treatment. However, even more goes into preparing for your appointment these days to keep everyone as safe as possible during the pandemic. Here are seven new steps your dental team will be taking to get ready for your visit in COVID-19.


9 Creative Ways to Greet Others Safely in COVID-19

May 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 3:49 pm
Smiling woman waving to her Astoria dentist in COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many simple aspects of our lives we once took for granted, including how we say “hello.” If you are a hugger or a handshaker, you may start to feel lonely in the age of social distancing. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can connect with those around you without increasing your risk of getting sick. Here are nine suggestions from your Astoria dentist for how to safely greet others in COVID-19.


How to Avoid the Store & Conserve Dental Products in COVID-19

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 12:43 am
Astoria dentist explains how to avoid this empty tube of toothpaste

The number one best way to protect yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic is to practice social distancing. The last thing you need while you’re trying to avoid crowds is to run out of toothpaste! Thankfully, practicing a few oral hygiene tips at home in Astoria can help you avoid the store and make your dental products last. Extend the lifespan of your toothpaste and keep your smile healthy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with these suggestions from your Astoria dentist.


Want To Improve Your Oral Health? Try Drinking More Water

April 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edfamilydental @ 5:45 pm

Filling glass with tap water according to recommendations from a dentist in Astoria

The moment after you have your teeth cleaned by a dentist in Astoria is when you probably feel the most confident in your smile. Unfortunately, maintaining the feeling is difficult. There may not always be enough time in your day to give your oral health the attention it deserves. Luckily, there’s something in your kitchen that can make a big difference: water. By drinking a few extra cups of it between meals, you can make a significant impact in the health and cleanliness of your teeth. Read on to find out the ways water can make a difference in your life. (more…)

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