Sleep Apnea Therapy – Astoria, NY
Simpler Sleep Apnea Therapy For Better Health

In our modern, busy world, many of us underestimate the importance of good-quality sleep each night, which puts our health at serious risk. In fact, sleep apnea increases the risk of many harmful conditions such as obesity, heart attacks, depression, and stroke. Not to mention that it impacts your everyday quality of life by causing chronic daytime fatigue. At ED Family Dental, Dr. Shkurti can help you stay healthier and get the rest you need with sleep apnea therapy in Astoria. If you think you may have this common sleep disorder, don’t hesitate to contact us – treatment is easier than you might think!
What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs when breathing starts and stops frequently while sleeping. These interruptions can occur up to 30 times an hour and last more than 10 seconds at a time, and prevent you from entering the deeper stages of sleep that are so crucial for your health.
The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in which the airway becomes blocked. This often occurs when structures such as the tongue, adenoids, and tonsils become so relaxed during sleep that they obstruct the airway.
What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea affects millions of people. And, unfortunately, since the symptoms can be easily attributed to other disorders, around 80% don’t know they have it. Two of the most common symptoms are snoring and waking up repeatedly to gasp for breath. But there are several other signs to be aware of:
- Daytime fatigue or sleepiness
- Difficulty focusing at work or school
- Waking up each day with a dry mouth or sore throat
- Headaches in the morning
- Weight gain or trouble losing weight
- Depression, irritability, or anxiety
How Can a Dentist Treat Sleep Apnea?

As a dentist in Astoria, we’re thrilled to offer our patients a simple, effective way to get relief. The first step is diagnosis, and after Dr. Shkurti evaluates your symptoms, we can refer you for a sleep study to determine whether you have this condition.
Then we can custom-make a lightweight, portable oral appliance that will reposition your lower jaw and tongue to open your airway while you sleep. These appliances are much more comfortable and easier to tolerate than a CPAP machine and are very effective for mild to moderate sleep apnea.
Some patients with more severe cases might benefit from combined therapy using both an oral appliance and a CPAP machine. This gives you the best of both worlds and often makes it easier to tolerate a CPAP altogether.
Sleep apnea impacts your energy levels and health in many ways. With sleep apnea therapy in Astoria, we’re so glad that we can help our patients lead longer, healthier lives!
Sleep Apnea FAQs
Why Should I See a Dentist for Sleep Apnea Treatment?
If your breathing is interrupting your sleep cycles at night, it can affect everything from your mood to your energy levels to your overall and oral health. When so many aspects of your life are impacted, it’s natural to wonder why you should see a dentist to help with your sleep apnea.
Although it may not seem immediately apparent, this night-time condition is closely connected with your dental well-being. For example, if you have obstructive sleep apnea, Dr. Shkurti can reposition your lower jaw to keep the tissues from blocking your airways while you rest. He’s familiar issues that can affect your nose, throat, and jaw in addition to keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
How Long Are Sleep Apnea Episodes?
Did you know that on a typical night, the average person completes anywhere from 4 to 6 complete sleep cycles every night? When you enjoy uninterrupted breathing, your body completes three stages of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep before entering a fourth stage of REM rest. Then, this pattern repeats until you rise in the morning.
Sleep apnea events can last anywhere from 10 seconds to up to 2 minutes and can happen 5 to 30 times each hour that you snooze. How advanced your condition is determined by how advanced your case is as evidenced by how many episodes occur each evening. 0 to 15 events are considered “mild” while 30 or more are “severe” cases.
Can My Dentist Diagnose Sleep Apnea?
It’s natural to wonder whether the same person who treats your sleep apnea can diagnose it. However, only a sleep doctor is qualified to accurately administer and interpret the results of a sleep study. Although Dr. Shkurti is happy to help you find solutions to get a good night’s rest, he can’t diagnose your condition.
That said, he’s happy to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your condition and examine your mouth to identify any immediate concerns. Then, he can refer you to an appropriate specialist to diagnose your sleep disorder.
Is Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and Treatment Covered by Insurance?
If you’re ready for a solid night’s sleep but are on a tight budget, you might worry that you can’t afford to have your sleep disorder diagnosed or treated. As a result, many patients wonder whether their insurance policy covers the identification of and the solutions needed to address this condition.
Typically, medical insurance has some form of partial coverage for sleep apnea because it affects your general health. Even if our team supplies the treatments, we will work with your medical insurance carrier (not your dental policy provider) to file your claims.